The Amazing Surrogacy Project
Who Owns an Embryo?
Who owns an embryo? Is an embryo treated like a child in a parenting dispute? Or is it like property in a divorce? [...]
Surrogacy Parentage Order Queensland
Applying for a Parentage Order in Queensland After a baby is born through a Queensland surrogacy arrangement, a Parentage Order is required to [...]
Surrogacy Parentage Order Victoria
Applying for a Substitute Parentage Order Victoria. Sarah is a surrogacy lawyer in Melbourne, practising across Victoria and Australia. After a baby is [...]
Surrogacy Parentage Order Western Australia
Applying for a Parentage Order Western Australia After a baby is born through a Western Australian surrogacy arrangement, a Parentage Order is required [...]
Surrogacy and Fertility Bulletin – January 2020
Looking for updates for all things surrogacy and fertility, in Australia and overseas? Consider this your one-stop-shop with all your news. In Victoria, [...]
Surrogacy and Fertility Bulletin – March 2020
Surrogacy & Fertility Bulletin - March 2020 Looking for updates for all things surrogacy and fertility, in Australia and overseas? Consider this your [...]
Surrogacy & Fertility Bulletin – April 2021
It's been awhile since I've done a surrogacy and fertility news bulletin. COVID has dominated our news so much in the last year [...]
Lawyer’s Weekly Women in Law Awards 2019
I am beyond proud and excited to be named as a finalist in the Lawyer's Weekly Women in Law Awards, for both Thought [...]
Innovator of the Year – Australian Law Awards Finalist
I am proud as punch to be named as a finalist in the Australian Law Awards for Innovator of the Year 2020. And [...]